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Welcome To Your Third Trimester

Welcome July! In less than 24-hours, we will cross over into the third quarter of 2022. I know many of you, including myself, is thinking where is the time going? One day it’s the first of the month, and before you know it the month is getting ready to end. As I was reflecting about what to write, the Lord shared with me to announce, “You just crossed over into your third trimester!”

When I googled the significance and process that comes with a woman’s third trimester in pregnancy, it means it’s the last phase of her pregnancy. The period can go anywhere from twenty-nine to forty weeks. It means she is in the home stretch of her pregnancy. It means the baby inside of her even starts to change positions in order to get ready for birth.

Wow! What a powerful revelation from God! You are in the home stretch of your harvest. Whatever you do, hold on and hold out. Whatever you do, trust the Lord with all your heart. Whatever you do, know that the purpose and destiny within you is literally changing positions and making preparation for manifestation.

Thanks be unto God who has announced that you are in the last phase. Thanks be unto God whose grace has been sufficient for you! In my research it states that the third trimester of pregnancy can be the most tiring and uncomfortable. In addition, it states that it can be physically and emotionally challenging. The reason for this is because the size and position of the baby makes it harder for you to get comfortable.

Did you get that from a spiritual perspective? The greatness and magnitude of your destiny will make you uncomfortable in this third trimester. In fact, it might be the most uncomfortable experience you are yet to face, but all things are working together for your good. There may be days when you feel a little uneasy, cramped and painful, but take hope. These are all signs that your purpose, spiritual maturity, and vision continues to go to another level. The discomfort, due to the expansion of your purpose, will take you out of your comfort zone to remind you that greater is your reward. Your next level in kingdom living is going to come with some uncomfortable times, but it’s necessary to remind you of God’s wondrous power working inside of you.

There are nights you may not be able to sleep. Just be reminded that destiny is getting into position. There are times you may feel restless. Just be reminded that destiny is getting into position. There are moments you may have pain in your back and hips. Just be reminded that destiny is getting into position. The weight of your destiny is reaching its highest peak, hold on and hold out.

Just as a baby can open its eyes, see, hear and smile during this third trimester, be mindful that your destiny and purpose can hear what you are saying, and feel what you are doing. The connection between mother and baby is even stronger during this time, and so it is also with your purpose. Be careful of the words you speak in your third trimester. Be careful of your actions and attitude in your third trimester. Your destiny is feeding off your energy, spirit, words, and mindset. This is not the time to grow weary and well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not. (Galatians 6:9)

Finally, one of the things you should avoid during your third trimester is strenuous exercise, for this can cause injury to your stomach. Likewise, do not allow anxiety, fear or doubt to overtake you, for it can cause injury to your purpose and destiny. Stand firm on God’s word. Start seeing and believing with the end in mind. There is a reward on the other side. There is life, peace, and abundant blessings on the other side of this trimester. Hold on and hold out. Take time this month and thank God that His grace is sufficient for you to birth ALL that He has already prepared for you to walk in! Congrats! You made it to your third trimester!

Walking in the Ezra Anointing,

Min. Carenda Deonne

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