This is a critical season in your life. You may ask why I describe it as critical. Have you ever experienced or witnessed someone who was hospitalized, and you were told that they were in critical condition? Initially, it can make your heart skip a beat because you know that’s a time where not only are they under intense doctors care, but as much as you would like to fix it you know that only God can turn the situation around.
Critical condition is not necessarily a bad thing. If you think about it, not only are you totally dependent upon the Lord, but you also give way for His power to be made perfect in your weakness. It is a time of complete stillness and trust. It is also a time when you are truly grateful for the many things that we can easily take for granted. Are you in critical condition? Does it look like your story will not change? Are you in a place where the only visitor allowed in your room is the Holy Spirit?
I bring good news. The Lord has not forgotten His promises and covenant that He has for you. What has boggled the minds of doctors, family and friends has not confused God. He knows exactly the remedy for your condition. Maybe the Lord needed you to rest for a moment. Maybe He has been trying to speak with you to make things clear concerning your calling and destiny. Maybe the Lord does not want you trusting in titles or possessions. I think it is a great thing that He is monitoring your heart. Can you trust that what looks critical in the eyes of man is elevation in the eyes of God?
In this season of your life you may feel weak, but you are not. In this season of your life you may feel insignificant, but angels are all around you. In this season of your life you may feel alone, but the Lord’s presence continues to be your help, strength and comfort. This is not the time to be dismayed. Even if the pain is so great that you cannot muster the strength to pray, remember the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. (Romans 8:26-27).
Even in critical condition you are completely covered! The blood of Jesus covers you. The grace of God covers you. The word covers you. I do believe that you latter days shall be better than your former days, and just when others are ready to pull the plug, uncommon miracles will be your testimony. If you feel in any way that you are in critical condition, be encouraged. This is a turning point in your life. You will recover all! Man may give up on you, but God has you exactly where He needs you to be. Remember, this is your time to rest, recover and reclaim!
Live life on the promise of IMPACT!
Min Carenda Deonne
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