Welcome to a new month and the third quarter of 2019! My hope is you will see and experience beautiful things in this month! Carenda Deonne LLC launched June 11th and we have been on a roll ever since. This past Friday, we concluded our first eCourse, How to turn negativity into your greatest momentum, and it was a HUGE success. Read the testimonial below from one of our attendees of the eCourse! I am committed to conducting an eCourse once a quarter. Make sure to save the date for our next eCourse which will be held September 24th-27th. Our topic will be self-esteem. This is going to be a great eCourse, so make sure to save the date NOW. Also, remember to take advantage of our personal coaching platform. If you would like more information, email us today!
“Awesome job!!! You touched on so many good things. Just. Amazing. When you were talking about not letting negativity steal your birthright… OMG. it’s so true. Thanks for your preparation for this course. It’s amazing. I can’t say it enough!!!!” (Markkita Coleman)
In the month of June we focused on negativity. This month we are focusing on transitions. Have you ever dealt with challenging transitions, both good and bad? (loss of a job, moving to a new city/state, separation/divorce, birth of a child, a job promotion, health challenges, etc)? If you answered yes to any of these or have a few to add to the list, you don’t want to miss our July series. In this month we are going to deal with challenging transitions. Challenging transitions are happening all around us with the people we love, work and interact with. How do you cope with challenging transitions, and is that the best solution?
I hope you are ready to gear up and dive into this topic as much as I am. If you are in transition, that means there are still things in motion, so don’t ever perceive that you are stuck without options. As a matter of fact, transitions open the gateway for options. This is not the time to have an igneous temper, but a peaceful adjustment. Just because your transition is challenging doesn’t mean it’s not necessary! Think about your own personal transitions for a moment. Was the challenge to adjust more external or internal? If we are going to live life on the promise of impact we can’t run from transitions or be afraid to confront them. Transitions are NOT your enemy! We will unpack and discover more in this series. I hope you will join me!
Live Life On The Promise Of Impact! Carenda Deonne